Woman sitting poolside while working on her laptop.

Traveling Abroad After College Graduation

Are you looking to fit travelling abroad into your plans after your college graduation? Then check out these 3 awesome ways to fit traveling into your post grad plans, and start off your time in the real world having the time of your life!

1. Take the summer (or the year) off!

Photo of the beach.

Taking a gap year doesn’t have to be just an option for highschool graduates, but college graduates too! 

This may seem like an obvious choice, but will only work for those who have enough time to plan ahead, and prepare for what it means to take the summer or full year off. Taking time off means postponing any plans for further education or schooling, in exchange for time to explore who you are, and potentially decide what you want to do with your life.

I would recommend this as an option for anyone who is unsure of what they want for their future. Traveling can be incredibly eye opening and great tool for learning when you are uncertain about your future plans.

Though, this may not be the best option for someone who needs to start making payments on their student debt, or who feels strongly about stepping into the workforce as quickly as possible. 

2. Graduate School

Photo of London.

For those of you who may be looking to further their education after completing an undergraduate degree, as well as travel the world, attending graduate school abroad could be the right choice for you. There are plenty of reasons to complete your graduate schooling abroad, traveling just being one of them!

Some other reasons to consider graduate school abroad would be: cheaper (or even zero) tuition fees, meeting new people from all  over the world, and practicing a second language in its origin country!

Graduate school abroad would give you the opportunity to live in another country for an extended period of time, without putting your schooling on hold. It is the perfect excuse for traveling abroad after your college graduation. The expenses wouldn’t be vacation expenses, but rather expenses that were essential to your eventual goals!

If you had the chance to study abroad while in highschool or college, and have dreamed of going back ever since then this is definitely an option worth exploring! And if you missed out on the opportunity to study abroad before, graduate school abroad could be your chance to make up for it.


3. Teach english as a second language

Woman writing on a chalk board.

For those who want to work abroad, without being locked into a full time position indefinitely, teaching english abroad through a six month or year long program could be the right choice for you!

There are tons of programs you can go through to find a job teaching English as a second language. Many of these programs also offer their applicants a stipend to help cover the expenses of living abroad, for the term in which they would be teaching. They are designed for students who are considering traveling abroad after college graduation!

This is a great option for anyone who can speak a second language, and wants to live and work abroad for a short time. It would allow you to travel on your off days, while keeping you in a routine throughout the week, and providing you with income while away!

Visit my page Travel Tips & Tricks for more travel advice!

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