An Introduction to “A Travelers Secrets”

An introduction to "A Travelers Secrets", and the purpose of its creation. Get to know more about me, and the intentions behind my blog!

This is an introduction to my blog, A Travelers Secrets.

As a Broadcasting Journalism student who loves to travel, creating a travel blog seemed like a no-brainer when I started looking into building my first website. Not only do I love to travel, but I need to travel. My desire to explore new places and meet new people can only be contained for so long before I am bound to take a trip.

As the name of the my site suggests, this website will serve to provide a handful of travel information and tips, as well as a personal blog where I will share my own stories and experiences with world-wide travel.

Currently, I have traveled to 16 countries outside of the United States of America, and the goal is to travel to as many more as possible! So far, I have traveled to Canada, Mexico, Jamaica, Belize, Haiti, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Germany, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England, Czech Republic, Hungary, Spain, and Copenhagen.

I even had the opportunity to study abroad in Berlin for a month!

Throughout my travels I have picked up many tricks to make travel feel like a breeze rather than a hassle, and to save money to keep traveling budget friendly. Afterall, the cost of travel includes tickets, gas, accomodations, and admission to attractions, which can add up to quite a lot quicker than you’d expect!

Check out my page, Travel Tips & Tricks, for travel advice, and more!

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